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A day with Roberto

Day starts with breakfast: checking diet

A day with Roberto

Day starts with breakfast: following diet cooking eggs

A day with Roberto

Day starts with breakfast

A day with Roberto

Preaparing lunch for work

A day with Roberto


A day with Roberto

On the way to work

A day with Roberto

On the way to work

A day with Roberto

Getting ready for opening time

A day with Roberto

Nike shop and show room in Milan

A day with Roberto

Getting ready for opening time

A day with Roberto

Nike shop and show room in Milan

Nike shop and show room in Milan

Nike shop and show room. Opening time

A day with Roberto

Working time

A day with Roberto

Working time

A day with Roberto

Working time

A day with Roberto

Working time

A day with Roberto

Lunch on the fly

A day with Roberto

Break. Chatting with girlfriend

A day with Roberto

Studing with Beatrice

A day with Roberto

Studing with Beatrice

A day with Roberto

Proud President

A day with Roberto

Getting ready

A day with Roberto

Warming up

A day with Roberto

Warming up

A day with Roberto


A day with Roberto

Fine tuning

A day with Roberto

Run run run… Coach Antonio Cecconi checking time

A day with Roberto

Hard training

A day with Roberto

Learning from Coach

A day with Roberto

Learning from Coach Antonio Cecconi

A day with Roberto

Hard training

A day with Roberto

Learning from Coach Antonio Cecconi

A day with Roberto

Hard training

A day with Roberto

Coach Antonio Cecconi

A day with Roberto

Hard training

A day with Roberto

Happily tired, Roberto and Mattia

A day with Roberto

Training together

A day with Roberto

San Donato race track. A busy and long day

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